Guess where I'm going...
>> Friday, April 23, 2010
In case you're still not sure...
My wonderful, and very kind husband and I booked flights the other night to London! And I'm excited as I am when I walk into a Zara store (if you are a regular reader, you should know abotu this VERY VERY excited excitement that is happening!). We're planning on going in October via Dubai and Turkey, which has been at the top of my travel list for a while now. We still haven't concreted places to go in Europe but I know for sure that Paris will work it's way into our itinerary! Do you have any tips for places to stay visit in any of these places? Please do share :)
photos via weheartit - just search London
oh, so cool! London is great! haven't been to Paris yet! definitely loved to go there still and Rome! only been to Venice it's beautiful..have to go again!...
have a wonderful adventure!
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