i want to see sea shells by the sea shore...
>> Friday, May 8, 2009
i wish i could just hop on a bike and take a quick ride down to the local beach *sigh*...but instead i have to dream about it for a little bit longer until me and my husband's holiday plans are confirmed! but gone (for now) are the days of summertime jetty jumping with my friends at Rosebud (bayside) in Melbourne which i could really do with right now. i don't care that Port Philip Bay is flat and has no waves except from the wake of an occasional tanker or cruise liner...i think that's what makes it so precious, it's like a giant swimming...or even a big bath? but it is a pretty cold bath - even in the height of summer!
after a long day of jetty jumping, swimming, and playing cricket on the beach - the perfect way to end the day is to watch the sunset with a big lot of fish and chips (so that you can share them with the sea gulls and chase them after!). when the sun has finally hidden behind the Ying Yang mountains on the other side of the Bay, the twilight makes for a very romantical time. the tide usually goes out; so you should walk out as far as you can, past the pier and splash in the puddles - the last time i did that, it was one of those rare moments where i have felt a milli
on miles from earth and was completely lost in the serenity of my environment...so if you live in the northern hemisphere and want to escape those wintertime blues, i suggest you come down south and have a swim in the big swimming pool...i know i will be there this summer!
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