Life // Oh, Tumblr.

>> Monday, June 6, 2011

So I've conformed. I really wish I didn't, but laziness got me in the end.

I created a Tumblr last night for Things That Thrill My Heart, (you can find it here). The ease of re-blogging inspiring photos, the visual stimulation, and the great access to so many images is just too good to turn down. I will most likely be posting regularly over there, but for in-depth topics you will find me here on trusty ol' blogger :)

Home // I Love Lamp

>> Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I'm not sure what's wrong with me, but my friend says that I'm "nesting" (but no, I'm not pregnant!). All of a sudden, I'm obsessed with home decor, making sure I have all the proper cooking utensils, dining tables (which I've decided I want to choose the wood myself...), and for the past week: lamps.

Finding the perfect bedside lamp has become my sole purpose the past week and everything that I've looked for has either had the wrong base, perfect shade or perfect base but wrong shade. Even the separates at Target didn't have what I was after... until I Googled and found the below lamp. 

Ahh... the feeling of success - it's love! I love lamp.

Read // NYT T - Mag

>> Monday, May 23, 2011

My weekly catch up of Nicholas Kristof's New York Times Column led me to NYT's Style Magazine Summer Travel Issue.

Pretty Pictures and awesome articles (Please note the Melbourne story, page 28, ahem), check it out here:

Travel // Fiji time...

>> Sunday, May 22, 2011

Last week I went to Fiji... for work :)

I had a great time and was quite productive despite what you're probably thinking! I hung out with some locals, and even got to visit some villages with youth "peer educators" who speak to young people about safe sex, alcohol and substance abuse and how to get jobs. It was eye opening and very encouraging to see young people taking that sort of action. I even enjoyed the slippery mud track which had us all squealing and grabbing each other for support!

I also had a lovely adventure consisting of missing my flight back to Sydney because of a slow taxi driver, and me not having enough cash to pay him - which led to me giving him an IOU. Crazy times when you travel with me! Haha

For some reason, because it was a "work trip" I didn't think to bring my camera! I guess I associate camera with holiday, so my trusty iPhone 4 camera had to do the job - and gosh am I impressed! Please don't mind the over usage of Instagram :-)

My missed flight home! Had to reschedule for the next day...

Travel // Milano Dreaming...

>> Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Today I was wearing my 2-euro ring purchased on a side walk near the famous canal in Milan, Italy. It conjured up lots of memories and beautiful scenes in my mind. Here are some photos from our trip.

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